Elementary and Middle School Music Lesson Plans 

Over the past two decades, music textbooks have gradually disappeared from elementary and middle school systems across the United States. Consequently, music teachers have had to piece together their lesson plans, a time-consuming process that requires substantial effort for every grade level. In the USA, there is no established, standardized approach to music education, forcing teachers to dedicate countless hours to curriculum planning. Even with the emergence of online music programs, fragmentation still persists. My Music Journal marks a significant milestone as the first comprehensive music teaching method to be introduced at each grade level in many years.

A Music Education Journey for K-8

Lesson Plan

Comprehensive and high-quality music curriculum

Comprehensive and high-quality music curriculum

Music Curriculum

Comprehensive and versatile curriculum for all grade levels

Comprehensive and versatile curriculum for all grade levels

K-8 Music Textbooks

Engaging music lesson plans

Engaging music lesson plans

Welcome to My Music Journal

Where music harmonizes perfectly with education.

Elevating Elementary and Middle School Music Education

Are you tired of disjointed music lesson plans? At My Music Journal, we understand the importance of continuity in music learning. That’s why we’ve meticulously crafted a seamless music curriculum specifically tailored for each grade, ensuring every student enjoys a harmonious learning experience.

With our intuitive music textbook, we are committed to transforming teaching into an inspiring symphony. We believe in simplicity, engagement, and resonance, and My Music Journal helps each student find their unique rhythm.

Welcome to My Music Journal
My Music Journal:

Where Your Kid’s Musical Journey Begins!

Immerse your students in a rich and tailored music curriculum meticulously designed for each grade from kindergarten through eighth grade.

Unlocking Potential, Note by Note

Our expansive library has unique music resources (textbooks, audio and video recordings). Each resource resonates with the diverse musical heritage of the world. From energetic tunes to hands-on exercises, My Music Journal is an adventure your child will cherish.

Efficient Music Curriculum for Educators

To all teachers out there, say goodbye to cumbersome planning! 

My Music Journal is not just a curriculum; it’s a comprehensive toolkit. Our robust music curriculum makes lesson organization, grading, and student interaction smoother than ever. Besides, our music textbooks support multiple teaching approaches so that each student learns at their best.

Elevate Every Music Lesson, Grade by Grade

Dynamic Curriculum for Young Maestros

Our unique and captivating music curriculum has been designed to make learning music an exciting and interactive experience. Let’s dive in and explore all the incredible features it offers!

Aligned with state and national standards, our curriculum has gained recognition and adoption in numerous states across the United States. It’s a comprehensive package that includes the teacher, student editions and student workbook. All 3 are included in a single volume. That’s right – both you and your students will be using the same captivating resource. We believe in fostering a shared learning experience!

Within the pages of our music textbook, students will gradually unravel the magic of music. Each lesson introduces them to essential concepts such as rhythm, melody, tempo, tone color, dynamics, forms, harmony, texture, and style. But it doesn’t stop there! We go beyond the basics, encouraging students to explore music composers, discover melodies from different countries, become familiar with various orchestra instruments, and even try their hand at composing their own melodies and rhythms. We’re all about nurturing creativity!

To ensure a smooth transition, each textbook starts with a review of previous years’ musical concepts. This way, students can quickly catch up and build upon their existing knowledge. And guess what? There are 36 lessons – perfectly aligned with the 36 weeks of a school year. We’ve got your entire academic journey covered!

Let’s take a sneak peek at the table of contents. Each musical concept, from rhythm to melody, tone color to tempo, dynamics to forms, is covered extensively in a set number of engaging lessons. The structure provides a clear roadmap, ensuring that every aspect of music education is covered thoroughly and effectively.

Now, let’s talk about one of our very first installment – the My Music Journal for First Grade. This exciting textbook introduces students to the fundamental principles of music theory and how they come together to create beautiful melodies. Students will dive into the mesmerizing world of rhythm and beats, explore introductory sheet music with quarter notes, half notes, and rests, and grasp the intricate relationship between notes and beats. Through interactive activities, they will also develop a keen ear for pitch and tone, applying their knowledge by singing along with carefully selected songs.

But that’s not all! Visual and audio identification of musical instruments, such as piano, guitar, and so many other instruments are seamlessly integrated into the course. Students will discover how music vocals differ from everyday oral communication, and they’ll even learn to distinguish between major and minor tones through their ears. As the course progresses, students will be captivated by the concepts of tempo and dynamics, understanding the nuances of music as it accelerates or decelerates and softens or intensifies. And there’s more! We’ll introduce them to essential musical vocabulary, like chorus, verse, introduction, and coda, laying the foundation for lyrical exploration.

As if that wasn’t exciting enough, our first-grade students will also embark on a captivating journey through music history and style. They’ll get to explore different cultures and time periods, gaining insights into the rich tapestry of music from around the world. And of course, these lessons won’t be confined to theory alone. Students will have the opportunity to perform alongside carefully selected instrumental and vocal pieces, truly immersing themselves in the magic of music.

So, get ready to make music come alive in your classroom! Our engaging music curriculum will spark curiosity, nurture creativity, and empower your first-grade students to become confident musicians. Let the melodious adventure begin!


Our captivating music curriculum for first graders is a comprehensive and engaging resource that brings the world of music to life. With its carefully structured lessons, interactive activities, and exploration of musical concepts, students will develop a deep understanding and appreciation for the magic of music while nurturing their creativity and musical abilities. Get ready to embark on an exciting journey of rhythm, melody, history, and performance with our dynamic music curriculum.

Endorsed by Passionate Music Tutors

Our music curriculum isn't just fun—it works! Over 95% of music educators applaud My Music Journal for its engaging content and positive impact on student development.


Is Incredibly Important

Calling all music enthusiasts and aspiring maestros! Get ready to have the power of music in your life and witness its transformative effects. Music, the magical language that transcends barriers, can ignite our souls, elevate our moods, and transport us to new realms of joy.

It’s not just a form of entertainment; it’s an essential part of our well-being. But why stop simply listening to the melodies that move us? Let’s take it a step further and embrace the world of music education. With music teachers like musical wizards guiding us on this melodic journey and music courses designed to unbind our inner virtuosos, there’s no limit to what we can achieve. From learning to play an instrument to honing our vocal talents, music education equips us with the skills and knowledge to express ourselves and connect with others on a deeper level. If you’re yearning to immerse yourself in the boundless world of music production and continuous learning, there’s an infinite wellspring of passion waiting to be explored.

Music courses are the gateway to coming up with your creative prowess. You'll master crafting engaging compositions, recording pristine audio, and shaping sonic landscapes that fascinate listeners. But wait, there's more! Consider investing in a music journal to capture and cherish the magic of your musical adventures. These marvelous companions allow you to document your compositions, lyrics, and musical ideas, creating a treasure trove of inspiration that will endure for years. Music journals serve as the canvas for your musical journey, preserving precious memories and providing a space for reflection and growth.